School Sports Programme


• 培養學生對體育的興趣,以推廣校園體育文化;
• 鼓勵學生持續參與體育活動,建立健康活躍的生活模式;
• 提高學生的體育水平;及
• 發掘有運動潛質的學生作進一步的培訓。


The School Sports Programme (SSP) is organised by Orienteering Association of Hong Kong China(OAHK), co-ordinated and subvented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), and co-organised by the Education Bureau (EDB), the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). The SSP is conducted in line with the daily schedule of schools to enable students of primary, secondary and special schools in the territory to participate in diverse sports activities at school during their leisure time.



The objectives of the SSP are:

  • to nurture students’ interest in sports so as to foster a sporting culture on school campuses;
  • to encourage students to participate in sports on a regular basis and develop a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • to raise the sport performance standard among students; and
  • to identify potential student-athletes for further training.
 ProgrammeRelated Link
1Sport Demonstration

2Easy sport
3Outreach Coaching Programme

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